YermilovCentre is a centre of contemporary art in Kharkiv, opened in March 2012. Named after the famous Kharkiv artist, the representative of the Ukrainian avant-garde Vasyl Yermilov. The largest exhibition space in Kharkiv "YermilovCentre" represents contemporary Ukrainian art processes. Our priorities are artistic dialogue with the viewer and international cooperation.
Activities of the Yermilov Centre:
– curatorial projects;
– artistic residences;
– lectures and discussions;
– performances;
– seminars;
– cinema, video shows.

Our team

Nataliia Ivanova

Director of the contemporary art centre “YermilovCentre”

Nataliia leads the Centre since its foundation in March 2012. Co-founder and the chief of public organization “YermilovCentre.Artlaboratory “. Since 2015 executive director of the PО ”The association of alumnus, teachers and the friends of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University“. Since 2016 she has been teaching courses “Art management” and “Сuratorial practice” in Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts on the department of visual practices. Since 2017 Nataliia is a member of Expert Council of modern art at the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.

Olena Kasperovych

Project manager at the Center, curator of the program of international residences

Works since 2017 after an international internship experience at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and education in the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of KDAK and LNAM. Olena took part curatorial residences in Liverpool as assistant curator of Liverpool Biennale, and as curator of the Ukrainian-Slovenian independent art project. In Centre Olena is responsible for finding new foreign partners and strategic development of the Centre.

Yelyzaveta Koval

Art manager

Yelyzaveta has been working in the Сentre since 2023. Now majoring in Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Our address

The YermilovCentre is located in the main building of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The interior design project was created by Kharkiv designers Igor Ostapenko, Inna Pedan, Andriy Khvorostyanov. Two floors measuring 1,500 sq. m. of centre provides unique opportunities for the creation and presentation of artistic projects.

We are located: Maidan Svobody, 4 (main building ofKarazin University, entrance from the side of the Klochkivskyi descent)

Contacts:, +380577604713, +380501976229

Hours: TUE-SUN from 12:00 to 20:00

Free entrance

YermilovCentre is a centre of contemporary art in Kharkiv, opened in March 2012. Named after the famous Kharkiv artist, the representative of the Ukrainian avant-garde Vasyl Yermilov. The largest exhibition space in Kharkiv "YermilovCentre" represents contemporary Ukrainian art processes. Our priorities are artistic dialogue with the viewer and international cooperation.
Activities of the Yermilov Centre:
– curatorial projects;
– artistic residences;
– lectures and discussions;
– performances;
– seminars;
– cinema, video shows.

Our team

Nataliia Ivanova
Director of the contemporary art centre “YermilovCentre”
Nataliia leads the Centre since its foundation in March 2012. Co-founder and the chief of public organization “YermilovCentre.Artlaboratory “. Since 2015 executive director of the PО ”The association of alumnus, teachers and the friends of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University“. Since 2016 she has been teaching courses “Art management” and “Сuratorial practice” in Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts on the department of visual practices. Since 2017 Nataliia is a member of Expert Council of modern art at the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.
Nataliia Ivanova
Director of the contemporary art centre “YermilovCentre”
Nataliia leads the Centre since its foundation in March 2012. Co-founder and the chief of public organization “YermilovCentre.Artlaboratory “. Since 2015 executive director of the PО ”The association of alumnus, teachers and the friends of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University“. Since 2016 she has been teaching courses “Art management” and “Сuratorial practice” in Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts on the department of visual practices. Since 2017 Nataliia is a member of Expert Council of modern art at the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.
Olena Kasperovych
Project manager at the Center, curator of the program of international residences
Works since 2017 after an international internship experience at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and education in the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of KDAK and LNAM. Olena took part curatorial residences in Liverpool as assistant curator of Liverpool Biennale, and as curator of the Ukrainian-Slovenian independent art project. In Centre Olena is responsible for finding new foreign partners and strategic development of the Centre.
Olena Kasperovych
Project manager at the Center, curator of the program of international residences
Works since 2017 after an international internship experience at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and education in the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of KDAK and LNAM. Olena took part curatorial residences in Liverpool as assistant curator of Liverpool Biennale, and as curator of the Ukrainian-Slovenian independent art project. In Centre Olena is responsible for finding new foreign partners and strategic development of the Centre.
Yelyzaveta Koval
Art manager
Yelyzaveta has been working in the Сentre since 2023. Now majoring in Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Yelyzaveta Koval
Art manager
Yelyzaveta has been working in the Сentre since 2023. Now majoring in Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Our address

The YermilovCentre is located in the main building of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The interior design project was created by Kharkiv designers Igor Ostapenko, Inna Pedan, Andriy Khvorostyanov. Two floors measuring 1,500 sq. m. of centre provides unique opportunities for the creation and presentation of artistic projects.

We are located: Maidan Svobody, 4 (main building ofKarazin University, entrance from the side of the Klochkivskyi descent)

Contacts:, +380577604713, +380501976229

Hours: TUE-SUN from 12:00 to 20:00

Free entrance
ЄрміловЦентр — центр сучасного мистецтва у Харкові, відкритий у березні 2012 року. Названо на честь відомого харківського митця, представника українського авангарду Василя Єрмілова. Найбільший виставковий простір Харкова “ЄрміловЦентр” репрезентує сучасні українські арт-процеси. Наші пріоритети — мистецький діалог з глядачем та міжнародна співпраця.
Діяльність ЄрміловЦентру:
- кураторські проекти;
- мистецькі резиденції;
- лекції та обговорення;
- перформанси;
- семінари;
- кіно, відео-інсталяції.

Our team

Nataliia Ivanova
Director of the contemporary art centre “YermilovCentre”
Nataliia leads the Centre since its foundation in March 2012. Co-founder and the chief of public organization “YermilovCentre.Artlaboratory “. Since 2015 executive director of the PО ”The association of alumnus, teachers and the friends of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University“. Since 2016 she has been teaching courses “Art management” and “Сuratorial practice” in Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts on the department of visual practices. Since 2017 Nataliia is a member of Expert Council of modern art at the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.
Nataliia Ivanova
Director of the contemporary art centre “YermilovCentre”
Nataliia leads the Centre since its foundation in March 2012. Co-founder and the chief of public organization “YermilovCentre.Artlaboratory “. Since 2015 executive director of the PО ”The association of alumnus, teachers and the friends of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University“. Since 2016 she has been teaching courses “Art management” and “Сuratorial practice” in Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts on the department of visual practices. Since 2017 Nataliia is a member of Expert Council of modern art at the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.
Olena Kasperovych
Project manager at the Center, curator of the program of international residences
Works since 2017 after an international internship experience at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and education in the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of KDAK and LNAM. Olena took part curatorial residences in Liverpool as assistant curator of Liverpool Biennale, and as curator of the Ukrainian-Slovenian independent art project. In Centre Olena is responsible for finding new foreign partners and strategic development of the Centre.
Olena Kasperovych
Project manager at the Center, curator of the program of international residences
Works since 2017 after an international internship experience at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and education in the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of KDAK and LNAM. Olena took part curatorial residences in Liverpool as assistant curator of Liverpool Biennale, and as curator of the Ukrainian-Slovenian independent art project. In Centre Olena is responsible for finding new foreign partners and strategic development of the Centre.
Yelyzaveta Koval
Art manager
Yelyzaveta has been working in the Сentre since 2023. Now majoring in Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Yelyzaveta Koval
Art manager
Yelyzaveta has been working in the Сentre since 2023. Now majoring in Visual Arts and Cultural Project Management at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Our address

The YermilovCentre is located in the main building of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The interior design project was created by Kharkiv designers Igor Ostapenko, Inna Pedan, Andriy Khvorostyanov. Two floors measuring 1,500 sq. m. of centre provides unique opportunities for the creation and presentation of artistic projects.

We are located: Maidan Svobody, 4 (main building ofKarazin University, entrance from the side of the Klochkivskyi descent)

Contacts:, +380577604713, +380501976229

Hours: TUE-SUN from 12:00 to 20:00

Free entrance